New Decor!

Here at BRIDGE PTS we are always looking for ways to support other small businesses.  As such, BRIDGE PTS commissioned a wall piece to decorate our conference room.  Crafted out of Jatoba wood, also known as Brazilian Cherry, by Dr. Doug MacAskill a retired physician and wood craftsman from Michigan.

Bridge Horse Shoe.jpg

In addition to the wall piece several smaller versions were also commissioned to decorate the desks and offices of those employees who have worked for five years with BRIDGE PTS. 

A small way to say thank you to the employees who have worked so hard to make BRIDGE PTS the company that it is today.

A small way to say thank you to the employees who have worked so hard to make BRIDGE PTS the company that it is today.

We believe working with other small businesses helps strengthen our communities, and we always look for new opportunities.

If you are looking for custom woodwork please consider Dr. MacAskill, he is a brilliant craftsman and great person to work with.   As always, if you have any projects you are considering please give us a call or send us an email.  We are always happy to discuss new opportunities.

Until next time,

Joe K.
